All Bright Institute Pvt Ltd.. is the definitive resource for Recruitment Agencies on many important levels. We currently handle inquiries from over 80 countries.

You need good, qualified candidates - we provide the facility to post jobs and search candidates worldwide for free.

You need to ensure your candidates have the legal right to work - we process all transfer, work permit and visa applications for you, your clients and your candidates. You can track progress of these applications in your own secure area of our site and draw from a resource of candidates that you know have the right to work or are likely to be successful.

You need to offer your Clients and Candidates the fullest service in order to excel - we provide a substantial international resource of all relevant products and services designed to achieve this best practice service for you from CV/Resume creation services to accounting and business services to accommodation and transport.

You need value for money, efficient up to date advice and proactive services - we provide realistic, sensible and extremely reasonable services, a true economy of scale for Recruitment Agencies and the only innovative solutions currently addressing the Immigration sector.

For instance, we spent a good deal of last year letting UK Agencies know that they CAN hire someone from outside Europe without a work permit and place them wherever they like even in house. This is also the case for Australia and Canada and other countries are soon to follow. Do you know want to know how to achieve this? Get in touch.

Our interaction with Immigration policy and our application of what is often very grey legislation to the way Agencies work helped an enormous amount of business happen where it may not have happened previously. After all we know exactly how Agencies work. The Home Office have been charging for many things and continue to concentrate on such revenue streams for applications. It is now false economy to guess at a correct format for such matters.

Why not:
  1. Enhance your perceived service offerings to your clients by joining us.
  2. Outsource volume applications at little or no cost increase in any in house structure you may engage for this purpose.
  3. Have all such matters handled by experienced professionals.
  4. Gain access to overseas specific candidates and market your vacancies worldwide for free.
  5. Avoid learning 100s of 1000s of pages of legislation information then read between the lines.
  6. Avoid hiring people and buying/using office space and facilities that could make you, not cost you money.

In a very quickly evolving recruitment market, adding value is becoming more imperative than unique. Please Contact Us for further information so as we can direct you to the best employer sponsored visa to meet your requirements. Come and talk to us about working closely with you to offer this added value to your business. This is a truly unique facility available only to All Bright Institute Pvt Ltd.. worldwide. We have become

a vital component to many businesses, advising on hiring policy from abroad and ensuring the best people end up working with them here in the UK.


How would your next 2 hours be better spent? Filling in forms or making a placement?